who we are

our philosophy

The amount of scams and rugpulls that have taken place over the last few years simply cannot be ignored and has left the crypto space with an heir of skepticism. Arguably the most important things to establish in the web3 world are trust and legitimacy.

That’s why Manaflow has been built on a foundation of maintaining complete transparency with all of our clients and partners. We display our founders and team members proudly because we want you to know who we are and what we are about. 

our mission

Manaflow was founded with the purpose of giving cryptocurrency, NFT, and play-to-earn projects a way to reliably market their project. As avid proponents of the blockchain revolution, we noticed that the people who are leading the charge have been met with resistance and obstacles that businesses in other industries simply do not have to worry about. This is especially true when it comes to marketing a blockchain project, as traditional marketing avenues and agencies do not seem to understand the nuances of this industry. 

The reality we are left with is that projects are forced to find alternative means of growing their community and building brand awareness. Under such circumstances, influencer marketing has proven to be the most effective and accessible way for web3 projects to see real growth and make a name for themselves. This is why Manaflow has spent countless hours developing the largest network of crypto & NFT influencers, aggregating all of their data to single out those who will bring the best results, and building a structure to streamline the process of running an influencer marketing campaign.