Blockchain Marketing: A Guide for your Project 

A Guide to Marketing Your Blockchain Projects  Cryptocurrency and NFT projects are a highly saturated market. That may be where the money is in – but it is not easy to capture this market because of the saturation. You may want to stand out and let the world know the layers of technologies your project […]

Castle of Black Water: The New Game that “Pays to Betray”

Play to Earn (P2E) games have been stealing the NFT show for quite some time now. Among the many blockchain based games that are popping up, Castle of Black Water is a P2E game that truly stands out, as it will the first ever blockchain based P2E social deduction game, aspiring to fix the a […]

Three Key Differences Between Ethereum and Cardano

Ethereum is an open-source decentralized blockchain platform that went live in 2015. A layer 1 network such as Ethereum allows decentralized applications to be developed on it. Cardano, popularly referred to as the Ethereum killer, was launched in September 2017. But how do they differ from each other? Are both platforms in a race to […]

Four Things You Should Know About Blockchain

Microsoft, Nvidia and Samsung are three prominent companies that use blockchain in their business operations. Global businesses are adopting the technology at an unimaginable speed. But do we know why they flock towards blockchain?    In the article below, we have put together the blockchain technology basics to help you understand its immense potential. Let’s […]